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måndag 17 oktober 2011

Suzan Zengin har gått bort

Vi har tidigare skrivit om den turkiska journalisten Suzan Zengin. Idag har vi erfarit att hon har gått bort. Hennes död är ett direkt resultat av den förhållanden som den turkiska staten utsatte henne för under tiden hon satt fängslad. En journalist som tjänade folket har mördats av de turkiska fascisterna. Nedan en text från tidningen PARTIZAN (ofta utpekad som "organ för TKP/ML"). Vi behöver fler revolutionära journalister som Suzan Zengin, inte bara i Turkiet utan i hela världen. I sammanhanget är det naturligtivs nödvändigt att påpeka vikten av att försvara journalister som Martin Schibbye och Johan Persson, som även om dom inte är revolutionärer, gör ett mycket viktigt arbete i det att de helt enkelt är hederliga journalister. Att borgarpressen uppmärksammar deras fall är naturligtivs bra, även om vi inte har det minsta tvivel om att den önskar neutralisera varje framstegsvänlig potential som finns i kampanjen till de fängslade journalisternas försvar.


Comrade Suzan Zengin has passed away!

17 October 2011

ISTANBUL | 17 – 10 – 2011 | We are very sad to inform the international progressive public that our comrade Suzan Zengin has passed away on October 12th 2011 due to an heart damage. She had been on the emergency room since 17 days. Reason for her intense illness was the inhuman prison conditions that exist in Turkey’s prisons.

On October 2008 in the early morning hours Suzan Zengin’s house was raided by special police forces and she was arrested and later on imprisoned. For more than half and a year Suzan was held at the Bakirkoy women’s’ prison in Istanbul without any reason. During her imprisonment she suffered from chronic illness and was not allowed to receive any treatment or the needed medicine. Just like many other democratic-progressive political prisoner Suzan was eye to eye with death behind the dark prison walls every day.

Comrade Suzan, was with her revolutionary-socialist identity always shoulder on shoulder with the workers and the toiling masses and took side with them during mobilizations and resistances. With her photo camera and her pens she was a inseparable part of the workers and the toiling masses districts she wrote about their anger, their aspirations and hopes; she was the voice of those who organized the many occupations and strikes for a better live and free future.

She also was a great internationalist who participated in many international events and she translated a series of books and documents into Turkish in order to inform the people in Turkey about the national and social liberation struggles all over the World.

With her 52 years she many times faced oppressed, inequality but also struggled against it she was arrested and tortured many times but she never bowed down to the suppressive system. She believed in the struggle for a free future and she knew that this can only happened if there is a organized struggle.

Comrade Suzan will always live in our hearts as we are continuing the struggle!

On Friday October 14th 2011 at 12:00 o’clock her funeral will be held in Tuzla behind the leather trade union Office.


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