
I Bangladesh pågår väpnad kamp under ledning av olika revolutionära partier som bekänner sig till marxismen-leninismen-maoismen. Det viktigaste av dessa partierna är Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party (PBSP), vars namn på svenska betyder Östbengalens Proletära Parti. Det står en del information om PBSP på Wikipedia som ni kan läsa här. Partiets grundare, kamrat Siraj Sikder, som mördades 1975, är än idag en högt respekterad och vördad ledare även utanför revolutionärernas led. Hans parti är idag splittrat i tre fraktioner, och vi publicerar nedan en ledarartikel ur Anubad Sahityo Potro, som är ett organ för en av dessa tre fraktioner. Det finns även ett flertal andra partier och organisationer i Bangladesh som utöver att kalla sig maoister också för väpnad kamp. Vi hoppas naturligtvis att kommunisterna i Bangladesh snart ska kunna enas under en riktig linje och utveckla ett mäktigt folkkrig i landet. Vi hoppas att kunna återkomma ofta med nyheter från Bangladesh.
Editorial of the Anubad Sahityo Potro issue no. 9 (International document publishing Literary Journal of the Maoist Unity Group of PBSP/Bangladesh)
The awami Fascists have expanded their black claw against us. By following the shameful path of its previous governments they are continuously killing our and other Maoist cadres in the name of so called fake encounter. They have already massacred hundreds of people. When people are hopeless in serious increase of price of daily goods, when this fascists are selling natural resources of country to the foreign imperialist companies by suppressing the whole intellectual strata and people under their boot, when they are letting the Indian and Chinese conspiracy to be materialized of drying our rivers to death by making barrage on the upstream, then the fascists know well they have no ground under their feet. So, they can increase their lifetime only through a white terror, although death will rush them from behind all the times. And their grave diggers are in front of them, they are in factories, mines, lands and even in their own armed forces. Recently the oppressed members of Bangladesh Rifles buried number of officers to death who were standing upon their head. Despite their effort of discovering numerous domestic and foreign conspiracies, at last it is evident that the whole force (BDR) consciously turned their arms to the exploiters, what is mutiny. This is succession of the army mutiny of 1857, 1971, 1975 and many others. We are holding our pen in a bloody territory being red with blood. The prairie fire of Maoist Peoples war is burning in India. The second largest nation of the world has come up to the main road of history with red flag in hand. In Peru, the reactionaries after being beaten by Maoist guerrillas has come to Israeli war specialists for aid who had fled from Georgia after seriously beaten by Russians. In Philippines, Maoist guerrillas are advancing. We will not remain backward. Already we have started to defeat the erroneous lines. We are getting strength in line struggle.
In anubad Sahitya Potro, issue 9, we are publishing two greatly important essays. 1) On Coalition Government prepared by Comrade Mao Tsetung in April 24, 1945 as report to the 7th Congress of CPC 2) PCP’s a fundamental document: Military line.
The essay On Coalition Government is a guide to Chinese people in context of final defeat of Fascism in 2nd world war and the upcoming total defeat of Japanese aggressors. This is a political Essay, a political initiative and also a summation of resistance war of Chinese people. This is a formulation of a policy and at the same time program of Communists to the Chinese people. In mobilizing and unifying all the anti-Japanese forces of Chinese people in order to build an independent, free, democratic, united, prosperous and powerful China, the Chinese people, Chinese Communist party and all the democratic parties of China needed an agreed general program. Chairman Mao put forward program for New Democratic China to the Chinese people. The question is how the call to establish coalition government with reactionary Kuomintang will materialize new democratic program. Contrary to what has been seen in Nepal, Mao didn’t say about establishing Coalition government by abandoning liberated areas and armed forces. Rather, Mao put forward the above mentioned program on the basis of liberated areas and armed forces. So, what happened in reality is that a few time period later after the final defeat of Japanese aggressors, communists had to fight a civil war against the reactionary clique of Kuomintang and revolution marched forward to a comprehensive victory. In fact, the Maoist call of Coalition Government gave political victory for communists and political defeat for reactionaries. Through that communists had been able to unite broad masses of people. Chairman Mao remind us that without a people’s army people have nothing and that the liberated areas are the center of hope and rely of the whole Chinese people.
The document Military line is a fundamental document of PCP. This is a development of the military line of Chairman Mao’s Protracted People’s war. This is a concrete document. In Peru, people’s war took the shape of a unified people’s war where complementary war has been waged in cities by taking rural areas as principal. They presume the theory of Maoist people’s war as the military theory of proletariat what was prepared by Mao and was reestablished by Gonzallo. This document is a very important one which will help us in defining our own new people’s war.
October 24, 2009
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