
Indien: I delstaten Jharkhand fortsätter Indiens Kommunistiska Parti (Maoisterna) sin mycket omfattande och framgångsrika bojkottkampanj mot valen till delstatsparlamentet; i Palamau-distriktet brände man igår först upp valproppaganda från tre kandidater och sen sprängde man deras respektive kontor i luften. Speciellt glädjande är att kamraterna visat att man sätter hårt mot hårt mot kapitulanter som gått över till fienden och bekämpar revolutionen, en av kandidaternas vars kontro sprängdes var nämligen en före detta partimedlem som nu skrivit in sig hos reaktionen och nu bekämpar revolutionen (precis som reaktionen avser göra i Peru med att registera föräddare som ett parti som ska delta i valen). Från delstaten Västbengalen rapporteras att den maoistiska gerillan likviderat ytterligare en tjallare, denna gång i byn Salgeria i Salboni området. Från delstaten Chhattisgarh rapporterar borgerlig press om att sju kamrater ska ha dödats "i strid" med polisen, men hela historien stinker "fake encounter" dvs. det är snarare vanliga bönder som mördats av reaktionen för att de sympatiserat med gerillan. Att revolutionärerna skulle ha genomfört ett eldöverfall, men inte en enda polis blivit skadad samtidigt som om sju gerillakämpar skulle ha dödats (inga sårade eller tillfångatagna, alla döda) låter lite väl osannolikt för att de ska vara sant.
Lögner för att dölja massmord, inget annat kan man säga om den artikel som idag publiceras i det statliga proppagandorganet Dagens Nyheter. Artiklen är full av fakta felsom vem som helst kan se som följt vår rapportering eller själv läst på om saken. Ett uppenbart är exemplet att man talar om "sprängda skolor" när det handlar om att den indiska staten använder dessa som MILITÄRFÖRLÄGGNINGAR och vallokaler (vilket vi tidigare skrivit om).
Filippinerna: Med anledning av årsdagen av undertecknandet av Förenta Nationernas deklaration om de männskliga rättigheterna, som var igår, har Nationella Demokratiska Fronten, Filippinernas Kommunistiska Partis övergripande frontorganisation som organiserar miljoner människor, genom sin avdelning på ön Mindanao gjort ett viktigt uttalande. På punkt efter punkt påvisar kamraterna hur Förenta Staternas marionettregim, som leds av Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, är en folkmördande regim. Dokumenter räknar upp hur reaktionen organiserat flera olika paramilitära förband som tillsammans med armén genomfört massmord efter massmord, hur man systematiskt fördriver bönderna från jorden de brukar och tortyr och våldtäkter är vardagsmat. Läs hela dokumentet här.
Bangladesh: Vi publicerar nedan ledarartiklen ur Anubad Sahitya Potro, internationellt organ för Östbengalens Proletära Partis Maoistiska Enhetsgrupp. Artiklen är på engelska och därför kommer vi inte här göra någon längre sammanfattning, vi kommenterar två saker: 1) innehållet i artiklen beskriver kort mycket viktiga händelser i ett land vars revolutionära rörelse är istort okänd fast den har en mycket stolt historia och fortfarande är en mycket viktiga kraft för revolutionen i världen, därför hoppas vi att alla noggrant ska läsa artiklen och försöka sätta sig in i ämnet, och; 2) tyvärr berättar kamraterna att detta är sista nummert av Anubad Sahitya Potro som publiceras och därför kommer vi inte, uppenbarligen, kunna publicera fler nummer, vi hoppas och tror dock att vi snart kan återkomma med mer nyheter från Bangladeshs kommunister.
"Editorial of the international document publishing journal Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue no. 10 of the Maoist Unity Group (MUG) of the Proletarian Party of East Bengal (PBSP)/Bangladesh
The 10th issue of the Anubad Sahitya Potro is the last issue of the journal. We have published such unpublished documents through this journal that are principally important to give theoretical assistance to the reconstruction of our domestic communist movement.
Then starts our new departure. We have been able to initiate a line struggle in this country.
Our party is the main Maoist party of this country. The other party CPEB [Communist party of East Bengal (ML)] despite claiming themselves as Maoist have almost been collapsed because of the process of their practice of Guevarist trend since long. Chairman Siraj Sikder established proletarian Maoist party, the PBSP. He made socio economic analysis of the society of East Bengal, broke the chain of the old and new revisionism by carrying a hard ideological struggle against those, initiated people’s war, for the first time in East Bengal established armed force led by the class proletariat and established Base Area twice: once in Payarabagan in 71 and then in Chittagong Hill tact during 72-75.
The line and thought of Chairman is closely intermingled with chairman himself and PBSP.
After the death of Chairman, despite party was able to resurrect again in the 80s under the leadership of Anwar Kabir, could not enter the stage of Base Area. Anwar Kabir led that struggle by cutting short the guiding thought of Siraj Sikder, that is why that couldn’t take the shape of comprehensive people’s war. He, during the last of 80s to first of 90s forged a right opportunist line (ROL) by exploiting party’s military set back what’s main essence was to totally abandon Guiding Thought of Siraj Sikder. What Ziauddin did after the death of Siraj Sikder, he (AK) did the same with totality. In the Third congress of party in 92, he passed the right opportunist line with the help of his central comrade-in-arms. The main component part of the line was: 1) to pretend adoption of Maoism by changing the term Mao Thought what was Maoism without essence, later what has been seen is that they pretended of adopting Maoism by opposing Mao Thought as the base of Maoism 2) to brand Siraj Sikder line as nationalist viz., to abandon guiding thought of Siraj Sikder, adopt so called classist line and oppose national liberation war 3) by abandoning the evaluation semi-feudalism and colony (or semi-colony), adoption of baseless evaluation of so called distorted capitalism and abandon agrarian revolution 4) by abandoning people’s war, adoption of so called war line (what has been exposed later). In synthesis, they abandoned Maoism and guiding thought of Siraj Sikder Thought that is the a valuable teaching achieved by application of Maoism in East Bengal society. Therefore, this Right Opportunist Line of AK was a comprehensive line. While taking it to practice, there arose contradiction among three leaders and they divided party into three on their behalf. AK invented a stage theory of armed struggle below war and got degenerated by carrying very limited roving armed activities by a few mercenary squads. Motin, by false proclaiming as big war proponent did some armed seizure action and could be able to confuse genuine revolutionaries. At last he got degenerated by carrying very limited armed activities with a few mercenary squads. Sultan, by disguising himself as a big theoretician, with dogmatic preaching confused genuine revolutionaries for a certain period and at last liquidated organization. Sultan died recently.
As a result, at the beginning years of 21st century, the PBSP in reality went ahead towards liquidation.
In such a tough moment, the lower rank cadres realized the necessity to defend party, the party that was developed by Siraj Sikder. So, absolutely with new generation cadres, they formed MUG. The aim of MUG was to define Siraj Sikder Thought, define people’s war and reestablish PBSP through making preparation for People’s war. From the beginning MUG was militarized, so it had to confront state force on the one hand and revisionist attack on the other. Number of comrades of MUG had to sacrifice their life.
In the midst of that, the work of Anubad Sahityo Potro was accomplished. Through that, preparation for theoretical construction was carried and the line construction is going on bit by bit. Now we are going to enter in the main phase of line construction, reestablish party in a higher center, going to enter in defining people’s war too, from where we will go on to the preparation of people’s war.
We don’t believe in any empty theory. We have published such documents that are tested by the touchstone of people’s war.
In this number of issue, Chairman Mao’s Talk on Philosophy of August, 1964 has been published where he had made the most developed formulation of dialectics. He showed that the main law of contradiction is the law of unity of opposites. He explained transformation of quantity into quality by the law of unity of opposites. And he said that negation of negation does not exist as a law. What exists is that the unity of the opposite of affirmation and negation. He established monism by discarding the triplist doctrine of development what presented three law side by side with equal importance. So, this is comrade Mao who established dialectics on a comprehensive basis. He by correcting Engel’s formulation regarding freedom showed that freedom is not only understanding necessity but its transformation too. This is a precious philosophical talk. Here he enriched dialectics in multi dimension.
In this number of issue we have published two very important document of the basis of party unity of the Communist party of Peru: 1) Line of construction of three instrument of revolution 2) Mass line. The two documents were adopted in PCP congress in 1988. In the first one, line of construction of three instrument of revolution: party, army and front of President Gonzallo has been established. President Gonzallo also forged conception of militarization of party. In the Mass line document, the concrete thesis of President Gonzallo has been established that shows how party develops various created organizations for the sake of people’s war.
Published: December 3, 2009
1) Talk on Philosophy by Mao Tse Tung
2) Line of Construction of the Three Instrument of Revolution by Communist Party of Peru
3) Mass Line by Communist party of Peru"
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