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onsdag 7 april 2010

Vittnesmål rörande gårdagens bakhåll - och reaktionära lögner

Det mycket framgångsrika bakhållet som maoistgerillan igår genomförde har naturligtvis orskat stor uppståndelse. Den indiska reaktionen är djupt skakad och dess partier tivstar om hur man bäst ska neutralisera det folkkrig som leds av Indiens Kommunistiska Parti (maoisterna). Reaktiones företräddare försöker spridda bilden av "en massaker" på "poliser" - så att folk världen över ska få för sig att det rör sig om ett massmord på kvarterspoliser av Kling och Klang typ. Vi ska för ovanlighetens skulle citera direkt ur reaktionära dagstdiningar för att att visa hur den reaktionära statens officella version motsägs av de (reaktionära-) soldater som var del av det förstärkta kompani som utsattes för bakhållet.

Först vad som kan sägas uttifrån de officiella uttalandena:

"The following account has been pieced together from press statements issued by the Chhattisgarh police and interviews with sources in the security forces and intelligence sources in Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi. A comprehensive account will be possible only after interviews with the survivors.

The ambush occurred at about 5.30 a.m. when one company of the 62nd Battalion, and between 30 and 40 men from the Chhattisgarh police, were returning from the area domination exercise. While the troops were going on foot, the APC was proceeding along a dirt track.

Four kilometres short of the CRPF camp at Chintalnar, a massive Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was detonated under the armoured vehicle, killing the lone driver, even as the troops came under heavy suppressive fire from a raised hillock bordering the path.


Troops rushed to take cover behind trees, only to find that the Maoists had booby-trapped the trees with anti-personnel IEDs. Soldiers who stayed in the open were gunned down by Maoists who used automatic weapons. In all, 75 members of the security forces were killed and seven injured. All their weapons were taken away by the Maoists.

In the second phase of the incident, reinforcements were rushed from the CRPF camp at Chintalnar, Dornapal and Chintagufa to rescue the survivors. According to a press note circulated by the Superintendent of Police, a vehicle brought to ferry the injured and the dead was also blown up with an IED, killing the driver and pushing the toll up to 76."

Nu ett vittnesmål från en av de soldater som utsattes för bakhållet:

"We were totally outnumbered. And they had far too much ammunition. How could just 80 of us fight more than 1,000 of them? It's unfair to even expect us to fight back when there was no way to do so. We got no time and no opportunity to retaliate. I saw my mates drop one after another before my eyes," said CRPF jawan Pramod Kumar (39), who witnessed 75 of his battalion colleagues massacred on Tuesday morning. He is one of the fortunate seven who got out of the ambush alive.

"Another company was sent to rescue us. But by the time they arrived, there was nobody left to be saved."

Pramod Kumar, who took a bullet in the shoulder, was contacted by TOI through intermediaries in the Dantewada hospital. He was airlifted from the forests in a chopper along with six others, some of whom are critical. Lying in his bed in the Jagdalpur Medical College, he said: "I played dead. We were lying on the road in our uniforms soaked in blood. Most jawans were dead and some of us were holding our breaths and pretending to be dead. The Naxals came down to check if any one of us was alive. They kicked the bodies and snatched our AK-47s and AK-56s."

According to Kumar, it was a mistake to have some jawans take the anti-landmine vehicle. "That vehicle was in front. We were walking behind it. Suddenly there was a blast and the vehicle went up in the air. All the jawans inside were killed in an instant. We lost about 15 men in that single explosion. Thereafter, it was mayhem," he recalled.

The landmines must have been laid during the night, the jawan said. The attack took place around 7am when the CRPF was passing through a dense forest surrounded by hills. The Maoists had arrayed themselves in `V' formation and awaiting the CRPF contingent in the thick green foliage. They first triggered the landmines and then began firing indiscriminately running down from the hills from all directions.

“There were a series of blasts. One of the first blew the anti-mine vehicle. They fired and swamped us from left and right. Bullets rained from every side. We screamed to each other and returned fire knowing it was useless but it was the last effort to survive. I could not even help a colleague or hold him as he died. A bullet hit me and I fell. Lying there, I prayed for life," he said."

Som ni kan se skilljer de två versionerna åt på olika punkter, men den viktigaste är att medan den officella versionen framställer det som maoisterna i princip attackerat "räddningspersonal" så visar vittnesmålet från en av reaktiones egna soldater att så inte varit fallet och dessutom blir det tydligt att minorna som användes var tidigare utplacerade och att det inte var så att "a vehicle brought to ferry the injured and the dead was also blown up with an IED". Notera även att indisk (reaktionär) media talar om "soldater" inte "poliser", det gör även BBC. När man läser vad DN skriver återges endast den lögnaktiga versionen och man talar om "poliser"; följaktligen får svenska småborgare som inte tvekar att hycklande oja sig om "maoisternas brutalitet" vatten på sin kvarn.
Att soldaten skulle haft möjlighet att under bakhållet ha räknat antalet angripare finner vi dock inte särskillt troligt.

Men nog om det. Som vi skrev igår får en militär seger av denna omfattning - 76 reaktionära soldater likviderade och ett 80-tal moderna automatkarbiner konfiskerade - även viktiga följd effekter. En av dem är att moralen sjunker väsentligt bland reaktionens fotsoldater, som vi bland annat kan se i följande uttalande från en reaktionär officerare, i en artikel som bär titeln "Trupper rädda för att gå in i skogen efter maoisternas bakhåll":

"It's easy for everyone to dictate to us from New Delhi and Raipur sitting in air-conditioned chambers, but here the situation is completely hostile because Maoists rule the roost in jungles. The forces in Bastar now need urgent motivation"

Debatten inom reaktiones led fortsätter, man disskuterar huruvida man ska skicka in reguljära armétrupper och flygvapnet. I detta sammanhang har chefen för den reaktionära statens flygvapen, P V Naik, gjort ett mycket intressant uttalande:

"Let us say that air force is called in for attack in Naxal locality and it needs to fire a rocket, which is fired at a minimum distance from 1500-1800 metres...from that distance we are not able to visualise what the target is," Naik said.

"Unless we have 120 per cent intelligence that they (Naxals) are enemies, it is not fair to use air force within our borders. The basic thing is Naxals are our own citizens," he said, when asked if it was time for the military to join the anti-Naxal operations."

Att Naik kommer ändra sin uppfattning med tiden är högst troligt, när den indiska reaktionära staten upplever sig verkligt hotad kommer den inte att sky några medel för att försvara sin existens. Intressant är dock Naiks uttalande när vi beaktar situationen i tex. folkkriget i Peru; där används det reaktionära flygvapnet flitigt mot maoistgerillan - vilket alltså enligt en expert av Naiks kaliber innebär att "oskyldiga" dödas - men inga svenska "människorättsvänner" eller andra "humanister" säger ett ljud om den peruanska reaktionära statens folkmords politik som kallas för "terroristbekämpning" En intressant reflektion: chefen för det indiska flygvapnet har en mer "humanistisk" inställning än svenska småborgare.

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