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måndag 1 mars 2010

Revolutionär statsmakt på Filippinerna

Hemsidan www.philippinerevolution.net var inte tillgänglig under en tid men är nu tillgänglig igen. Som vanligt finns de senaste uttalandena från den revolutionära rörelsen på Filippinerna att läsa. I en nyligen publicerad artikel tar Filippinernas Kommunistiska Parti (FKP) upp den politik man tillämpar rörande valkampanjer för reaktionära partier i de områden som man kontrollerar. Vi tycker att FKPs politik i detta fall kan beskrivas som i bästa fall märklig. I artiklen beskriver de filippinska kommunisterna även hur en ny, revolutionär, statmakt växer fram. Nedan följer ett utdrag ur artiklen, ni kan läsa hela texten här.

"At the core of the issue is the fact that the CPP-led revolutionary movement is not a "non-state actor," as it has its own state power and runs its own government.

There actually exists in the country today dual political power. In more than 120 national democratic guerrilla fronts today, there exist practically two governments and two political systems. On the one hand, there is the ruling puppet reactionary state that represents, protects and advances the interests of the ruling classes of imperialists and big landlords, big bourgeois compradors and big bureaucrat capitalists. On the other, there is the emergent and advancing revolutionary people's government and new democratic organs of political power that represent, protect and advance the interests of the oppressed and exploited masses and hold sway in wide swaths of the country. These two governments, their armed forces and their following are currently locked in a civil war that has been going on for more than four decades now."

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