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tisdag 22 november 2011

A till D med kandensiska kommunister

I somras ska Revolutionära Kommunistiska Partiet i Kanada ha hållt kongress. Oss veterligen har tills nu inte mer utförliga rapporter därifrån än det som här redogörs för. Vi hoppas naturligtivs att kongressdokumenten blir tillgängliga även för utomstående inom en snar framtid. Att studera dem vore med all sannolikhet mycket lärorikt. Nedan ett kort utdrag ur den nyligen publicerade rapporten.

"After the discussion on the political report, the Congress passed several motions related to the development of a new international revolutionary movement. It reaffirmed our will “to contribute to such a regrouping of forces although we think it must be ruled by Maoist parties leading PW or seriously engaged in it. We think that such a movement must recognize: a) Peoples’ War as being universal; b) MLM as the current stage in the science of revolution; c) The idea of the pursuing of class struggle under socialism and the fact that the bourgeoisie could use the party in order to reinstall capitalism; d) The need for the two-line struggle so the revolutionary proletariat can triumph.”"

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