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söndag 23 maj 2010

Antonio Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci var en framstående marxist-leninist och en viktig kommunistisk ledare. Visa har försökt förvränga innehållet i de skrifter han skrev under sin fängelsetid - under sträng fascistisk censur - för att framställa honom som något helt annat än han var. Våra kamrater i Italien vet dock att uppskatta Gramsci. Det borde fler göra. Här finns några texter av Gramsci på engelska och här några på svenska. Nedan ett utdrag ur en artikel från 1925 som visar, bland annat, hur Gramsci förhöll sig till principfrågor.

"The article begins with a characteristic metaphysical hypothesis. Comrade Bordiga asks; is it possible to 100% exclude the possibility that the Communist International will fall into opportunism? But we can also ask if we the possibility can be excluded that even Comrade Bordiga won’t become opportunist, that the Pope will become an atheist, that the industrialist Ford will become a communist, etc. In the realm of metaphysical possibility you can fancy whatever you want, but a Marxist should pose the question thusly: does possibility exist that the Communist International is no longer the vanguard of the proletariat but is instead on the road to becoming the expression of the workers’ aristocracy, corrupted by the bourgeoisie? It is thus that the question is posed Marxistically, and it is then easy for every comrade to resolve it....

The guarantee against deviations doesn’t consist in tactics themselves, but in us, in our Communist consciousness, in the entire party’s vigilance and self-criticism, in firmness of principles, in the effort to never lose sight of the revolutionary goal..."
(Antonio Gramsci, Sterile and Negative Criticism, 1925)

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