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måndag 16 augusti 2010

Omfattande reaktionär militäroffensiv på Mindanao

Ett viktigt uttalande från en talesman för den filippinska Nationella Demokratiska Fronten, daterat till i fredags, har nu offentliggjorts. I uttalandet, som ni kan läsa ett utdrag ur nedan och i dess helhet här, avslöjar kamraterna att den filippinska reaktionen satt igång en massiv militäroffensiv på ön Mindanao. Än en gång bekräftas att den enda vägen framåt för den filippinska revolutionen är att maoisterna framhärdar i folkkriget.

"All the four divisions under the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) based in Mindanao are currently conducting massive and widespread military operations against the revolutionary forces in all the five New People's Army (NPA) regions in the whole island, particularly more intense in the Southern Mindanao Region. These began prior and during the inauguration of Noynoy Aquino, and continued before, during and after Noynoy Aquino's SONA, and still escalating almost without let-up and without rest of troops in between operations.

Most recently, almost 30 of the more than 40 AFP battalions together with para-military units in Mindanao are simultaneously scouring suspected NPA guerilla bases and zones, seeking encounters with NPA forces in all the 5 NPA regions in the island. They are employing 105mm Howitzer cannons, reconnaissance and bomber planes. As expected, instead of hitting NPA units, it is the Lumad and peasant communities that are terrorized by these AFP offensives, committing human rights violations and causing dislocation to the population. With these military operations raging in Mindanao and probably across the archipelago, the Aquino administration has reared its ugly head; it has unruffled its feathers to show its true fascist character."

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