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tisdag 27 december 2011

Lägesrapport från Filippinerna

Den 26 december varje år brukar Filippinernas Kommunistiska Parti (FKP) publicera ett dokument i vilket man summerar året som varit, ser över vilka framsteg man gjort, påtalar fel som bör rättas och kommande uppgifter. I år har man varit vanan trogen och här finns texten, nedan ett utdrag. Alla som sympatiserar med de filippinska maoisternas kamp bör läsa igenom texten.

"Since last year, we have seen significant achievements in our ideological, political and organizational work. We have scored major successes in fulfilling the political requirements for realizing the plan to advance from strategic defensive to strategic stalemate. We have strengthened the political foundation for intensifying the people’s war.

As a result, the NPA has been able to launch and win more and more tactical offensives despite prolonged large-scale military offensives by the fascist puppet state. It has delivered lethal blows on the enemy and captured weapons to form more fighting units. It has carried out extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare on the basis of an ever widening and deepening mass base.

The crisis conditions in the world capitalist system and in the Philippine ruling system are extremely favorable for waging the people’s democratic revolution and for realizing the medium-term plan to advance from strategic defensive to strategic stalemate. Let us take full advantage of the ever worsening and deepening crisis conditions."

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